
anziano prende per mano bambino
anziano prende per mano un bambino

We have been constantly growing for over 15 years while never forgetting where we came from.

The founder of Puglia in Tavola, Antonio Rutigliano, felt he was born for this job. He inherited this passion from his grandfather when he was just a child. His grandfather would explain things by making him observe them – he would take him to play in the fields, at the warehouses, on the tractors, with the workers. He took him to get his hands dirty. Because when it comes to work, “getting dirty” is always a positive word, and this is something Antonio always knew – this was a lesson his grandfather made sure to teach him.

We kicked off in 2005 betting on a few products, i.e., olives, lupins, vincotto and a small range of preserves. We kicked off at a factory in Sannicandro di Bari. We started off small, but full of dreams and hopes. Today we are a strong reality in the industry, with 15 employees, a 1,500 Sq m warehouse and currently expanding on another 1,000 Sq m in the industrial area of Bitetto, our hometown.
